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Unbundled Services Menu 

Petition / Response to Dissolution or Parentage Action starting at $500.00


Includes drafting of Summons, Petition/Response, and UCCJEA if applicable. Also includes e-filing of the package at cost (see below for typical filing costs), and service by mail. Personal Service, if required, may be provided at cost. If Client is eligible for a Fee Waiver from the Court, Fee Waiver forms can be drafted and filed for an additional $50.00.


Preliminary Disclosures starting at $1,000.00


Includes drafting of the required forms (FL140, FL141, FL142 and FL150) assembly, service on the other party, and filing of the proof of service (subject to filing cost). Also includes reasonable review and response to questions and concerns relating to Disclosures from Client to Attorney.


Request for Default starting at $1,000.00


Includes drafting and filing of all forms required to obtain a default Judgment and drafting of the Default Judgment.


Discovery Demands starting at $1,000.00


Includes drafting and service of Form Interrogatories – Family Law and Demands for Production of Documents based on Client concerns and Attorneys evaluation of the case. Special Interrogatories, Requests for Admissions, and/or Requests for Accounting may be added for an additional fee to be determined by Attorneys in advance.


Response to Discovery Demands starting at $2,000.00


Includes drafting of responses to Form Interrogatories – Family Law and Demands for Production of Documents including reasonable objections, assembling responses, and serving responses by electronic mail. Other service options may be available at cost (i.e. messenger service or ground mail). Also includes reasonable review and response to questions and concerns relating to discovery responses from Client to Attorney.


Requests for Orders (RFO) starting at $2,500.00


Drafting and Preparation of RFO or Responsive Declaration to RFO Includes review of file and issues by Attorney, drafting of all forms and Client Declaration, filing and service, for all standard motions (i.e. child custody, child support, spousal support, attorney fees, etc.). Filing Fee paid to the Court and cost of filing is an additional fee. Complicated motions that may require more legal research or Points and Authorities will require an additional fee to be determined in advance by the Attorney. Stated fee does not include appearance by the Attorney at the hearing on this motion.


Emergency (Ex Parte) RFO starting at $3,500.00


Responsive Declaration to Emergency RFO Includes review of file and issues by Attorney, drafting of all forms and Client Declaration, notice, filing and service, for all standard motions (i.e. child custody, child support, spousal support, attorney fees, etc.). Additional witness declarations may be added for $500.00 each. Complicated motions that may require more legal research or Points and Authorities will require an additional fee to be determined in advance by the Attorney. Stated fee does not include appearance by the Attorney at the hearing on this motion.


Reply Declarations starting at $1,200.00


Includes review of file and issues by Attorney, drafting of Reply Declaration, updating Income and Expense Declaration if applicable, filing and service subject to filing costs*. Additional witness declarations may be added for $500.00 each. Stated fee does not include appearance by the Attorney at the hearing on this motion.


Mediation Preparation starting at $900.00


Includes Attorney review of file and up to one (1) hour of preparation with Attorney via phone of video conference.


Settlement Proposal starting at $1,000.00


Includes review of file by Attorney, drafting of settlement proposal or counterproposal by Attorney, and reasonable revisions (reasonable is no more than two (2) total revisions, however, more revisions may be requested for an additional fee to be determined by Attorney).


Findings and Order After Hearing starting at $800.00


Includes review of Minute Orders and/or transcripts, conference with Client, drafting of Order and reasonable revisions (2). Does not include revisions after service from the opposing side, however, additional revisions and discussions may be purchased for an additional fee to be determined by Attorney. Also includes filing of the FOAH plus costs*.


Stipulations and Orders starting at $800.00


Includes conference with Client, drafting of the agreement, reasonable revisions (2) from either side, and filing with the court plus costs*. Complicated or extensive agreements may require a larger fee to be determined by the Attorney in advance.


Trial Documents starting at $2,000.00


Includes review of file, conference with Client, drafting of Trail Brief, Joint Statement, if applicable, Witness List, Exhibit List, reasonable revisions (2) of each document, filing and service plus costs*.


Stipulated Judgment starting at $1,500.00


Includes conference with Client, drafting of the agreement, reasonable revisions (2) from either side, and filing with the court plus costs*. Complicated or extensive judgments may require a larger fee to be determined by the Attorney in advance.


Contested / Trial Judgment starting at $2,000.00


Includes conference with Client, review of court orders and/or transcript, reasonable revisions (2) from either side, and filing with the court plus costs*. Complicated or extensive judgments may require a larger fee to be determined by the Attorney in advance.


Request/Response to/for Domestic Violence Restraining Orders starting at $2,500.00


 Includes conference with Client, drafting of all forms and Client Declaration, filing plus costs*. Complicated motions that may require more legal research or Points and Authorities will require an additional fee to be determined in advance by the Attorney. Stated fee does not include appearance by the Attorney at the hearing on this motion

Contact Payne Law Group

Relationship status with Opposing Party
Children with Opposing Party

Address. 7755 Center Ave, Suite 1100

Huntington Beach, CA 92647

Tel. 714-945-5899

© 2024 by PLG

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